Alor Gajah, Melaka – Ever been at a loss or puzzled about something to the point where you just gave up on a subject entirely? Ever heard about “Mass Communication” but not entirely sure what it is all about? This happens because it was not properly introduced and explained. The Faculty of Communication and Media Studies held a small event called “Santai Komed” with the purpose of helping and guiding new students to know more about Mass Communication and the faculty’s students’ representative, Kelab Komunikasi dan Media (KOMED) as a whole.

This induction programme was geared more towards the newcomers which are the Part 1 students, session March-July 2018. This event was held on Wednesday, 21st of March at Dewan Syura Al-Mizan, UiTM Alor Gajah Campus. There were 9 students from MC111 and 26 of them were from MC110, making it a total of 35 students altogether present at the event.

As stated before, the whole motive of holding such event is to establish a friendly bond between the academic advisors and members of KOMED with the newcomers, familiarize and enlighten them about Mass Communication and KOMED as well as welcoming them to UiTM. The event went relatively smooth except for the beginning where all of the new students were rather quiet and very obedient, which is far from being a Mass Communication student.

With the help of the KOMED members, who are very friendly and cheerful they managed to break the ice of the students and made them more comfortable to interact with. There were games prepared by academic advisors and KOMED members. Despite some of the games were cut short by time constraints, both the students and higher council members (known as MTs) were having a blast working together to solve certain objectives in the games.

One game that caught our eye was “tower building”. Each group was required to build a tower that was strong enough to withstand the weight of a book for a solid 5 seconds. They were only given a few pieces of newspapers and tape as the building materials. From there, teamwork, communication and creativity come into play. By the end of the game, the students managed to design and create their towers although some of them looked unique and funny. The message gained from this game was no matter how big or small the tower is, in the end it is all about how sturdy the tower is, indicating it does not matter how amazing or terrible your group looks as long as there is teamwork everything should work well.

As a whole, most of the students who participated in this induction programme was able to gain a better understanding of the basis of Mass Communication and KOMED. Even though the programme was cut short by a few activities here and there but they were absolutely fine with it due to the nature of the programme, which is to relax and have fun.

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